Board of Directors

Invepar‘s Board of Directors is composed of eight sitting members, two of whom indicated by each shareholder, and their respective alternate members.

The table below presents the names, positions and election dates of all sitting members of the Company‘s Board of Directors:

Name Elective position held Election Date Term of office
Wagner Aparecido Mardegan President of the Board 12/27/2024 Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2026
Carlos Massaru Takahashi Vice President of the Board 12/27/2024 Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2026
Olivier Michel Colas Sitting member 12/27/2024 Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2026
Vinícius Balbino Bouhid Sitting member 12/27/2024 Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2026

Fiscal Council

Invepar‘s Fiscal Council is composed of four sitting members, one elected by each shareholder, as well as independent auditors, who verify the consistency and integrity of its operations.

The table below presents the names, positions and election dates of all sitting members of the Company‘s Fiscal Council:

Name Elective position held Election Date Term of office
Artemio Bertholini Sitting member 04/30/2024 Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2026
Eslei José de Morais Sitting member 04/30/2024 Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2026
Felipe Guidi Sitting member 04/30/2024 Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2026
Sergio Tadeu Nabas Sitting member 04/30/2024 Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2026

The table below presents the names, positions and election dates of all alternate members of the Company‘s Fiscal Council:

Name Elective position held Election Date Term of office
Douglas Carvalho Pereira Alternate member 04/30/2024 Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2025

Board of Executive Officers

Invepar’s current Executive Board is formed of up to seven members, comprising a President and six Vice-Presidents, all elected by the Board of Directors to two-year terms of office, with reelection permitted.

Name Elective position held Election Date Term of office
Osvaldo Garcia CEO 24/01/2024 Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2025
Ricardo Rocha Perrone Chief Financial and Administrative Officer and Investor Relations Officer 10/31/2024 Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2025
Vacant Engineering Officer - -
Vacant Toll Road Concessions Officer - -

Advisory Commitees

In line with best corporate governance practices, Invepar has four Board of Directors’ Advisory Committees, which analyze matters related to their specific area of competence and activities and present their recommendations to the Board of Directors. They are the Financial and Investment Committee; the Civil Works Committee; the Human Resources and Governance Committee; and the Internal Audit Committee.

Financial and Investment Committee – Responsible for assisting the Board of Directors in monitoring Invepar’s investments. Presents analyses of the economic scenario in Brazil and worldwide, including the potential impact on the organization’s finances; examines, discusses and presents recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding economic and financial decisions taken by the Board of Executive Officers; and oversees the implementation of financial and investment policies approved by the Board of Directors.

Civil Works Committee – Assists the Board of Directors in analyzing and monitoring the works envisaged in the concession agreements of all of Invepar group companies, as well as presenting recommendations regarding the contracting of works proposed by the Board of Executive Officers and subsidiaries.

Human Resources and Governance Committee – Advises the Board of Directors on such matters as defining business targets and coordinating the evaluation of the executive officers of the Invepar group and its subsidiaries, coordinating the selection of executive officers, and defining the incentive system, such as target-based bonuses, and recommending the adoption of good corporate governance and management practices..

Audit Committee – Responsible for helping the Board of Directors in matters relating to the hiring and monitoring of internal and external audit works, quarterly reports, financial statements and accounting practices, monitoring of Compliance and the complaint channel, as well as risk assessment and monitoring of the results of internal controls work.

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